Configuration for MacOS

To add a new VPN connection with the automatic configuration file:

  • Download the provided WG_IKEv2.mobileconfig file to your MacOS device.
  • To import the file, double click WG_IKEv2.mobileconfig.
  • Click Continue when prompted to install.
  • Click Continue when prompted if you are sure you want to install.
  • Enter in your NUNM username (FirstinitialLastname) and NUNM password.
  • Click Install when prompted if you are sure you want to install profile.
  • Enter your local Mac admin password if prompted to complete the import.

Connecting to VPN

  • Go to Network from System Preferences
  • Select newly created VPN connector and click Connect 
  • Check Show VPN status in menu bar and click Apply

You can use the VPN status in the menu bar to connect and disconnect your connection.