While the IT does not officially support Mac OSX,  we hope these instructions will help  you set up a connection to NUNM-Secure.

  1. From the AirPort menu located in the upper-right-hand corner of the Desktop, choose 'NUNM-Secure' from the list of networks. (If AirPort is off, you must “Turn Airport On” first.)
  2. Enter your NUNM username (FirstInitialLastname) in the Username field and NUNM email password in the Password field. 
    • Leave 802.1X set to Automatic. If you want to save your login credentials so you don’t have to enter them each time you connect, select “Remember this network”. 
  3. Click OK to continue.
    • The first time you connect, you will be asked to accept the server’s certificate. Do so by selecting Continue at the prompt. You will only need to accept the certificate the first time you authenticate to 'NUNM-Secure'. After that, authentication will be automatic.