NUNM Student WiFi Acceptable Use

NUNM_Student is the on-campus student wireless network. It provides student Internet access for the Academic Building, Administration Building, NUNM Clinic, and Annex Building. The features of this service are a privilege and not a right and all students are expected to practice responsible computing and to adhere to these requirements for acceptable use when accessing the NUNM_Student network:

  1. Policy Violations
    Do not to use NUNM_Student in a way that violates state law, federal law, or the established IT policies of NUNM.
  2. Responsibility
    Use of NUNM_Student is controlled by login with your user name and password. You are responsible for all activity conducted under your user name. You are expected to take reasonable precautions to prevent unauthorized and/or abusive use by other individuals.
  3. Commercial Use
    Your NUNM_Student connection is for personal use only. Do not use NUNM_Student for any commercial purpose or to host data services for other individuals or groups.
  4. User Deception
    Do not attempt to deceive others about your identity in electronic communications or other network traffic.
  5. Improper Access
    Do not access accounts, files, or other information belonging to other NUNM_Student users or Internet users without their knowledge and explicit consent.
  6. Harassment
    Do not use your NUNM_Student connection to threaten, intimidate, or harass other individuals.
  7. Copyrights
    You are required to comply with United States copyright law and the copyright policy of NUNM. Copying, downloading, or electronic transfer of copyrighted materials without the authorization of the copyright owner is against the law and may result in civil and criminal penalties, including fines and imprisonment.
  8. Virus Protection
    Students are required to have antivirus software installed with up to date virus definitions.

    Students who are in need of antivirus software, NUNM provides Symantec Norton Antivirus (NAV) for all students to use while they are students at the College.

            Please contact IT department at for additional information.

  1. Personal Wireless Networks
    Personal wireless network hubs or access points is prohibited. (This includes ad-hoc setup.)
  2. Excess Usage or Abuse
    Network capacity is limited. If your NUNM_Student connection uses excess bandwidth, sends disruptive signals, or violates any of the above policies, it will be subject to limitations or possible disconnection. Any other use or misuse of the connection could result in disciplinary procedures through the Office of the Dean of Students.

Network Security Monitoring

The NUNM_Student network connection may be subject to monitoring, with cause, for security, legal, or troubleshooting purposes. This may include monitoring for bandwidth usage, security related incidents, or a request from legal/law enforcement authorities. In addition, the IT department reserves the right to scan the network to assist in identifying and protecting against exploitable security vulnerabilities (e.g., viruses or worms) in efforts to preserve network integrity. Information gathered in such scans will be used only for the explicit purpose of monitoring network security.

Policy Updates

Due to the dynamic nature of technology and the Internet, this policy is subject to change.